During The Beatles’ Indian sojourn, John Lennon wrote “Dear Prudence” as a serenade for Prudence Farrow, sister of actress Mia Farrow. Along with Mike Love of The Beach Boys and a handful of other celebrities, they all had traveled to India to study transcendental meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. After ten days, Ringo Starr left. (Apparently, […]
Look Out, World, Here Comes docwallacemusic.com!!
DocWallaceMusic has a website? I can hardly believe it. . . After years of dreaming, procrastinating, and pouring all my energy into living the life of a musician, composer, and teaching artist based in New York City, I’m finally launching a website! What’s that, Vi? (Vi Wickam‘s my web guru / personal-mentor-in-all-things-internet). This post is […]