The Hermitage Artist Retreat surprised me this August by inviting me to become a Hermitage Fellow for the 2022-2024 cycle. With no application process, a national curatorial council awards Hermitage Fellows residency time at the historic Hermitage Artist Retreat in the Florida Keys. There, artists from diverse disciplines rest, reflect, create, and share their art […]
Engaging the Concert Audience: My New Book is Here!
“Engaging the Concert Audience is the essential guide to creating successful, insightful, innovative, interactive concerts. Every musician and concert programmer must read this book and learn its delightful lessons. Why? You will meet the future inside these covers—your concert-presenting future, and our field’s potential. Thank you, David Wallace!” —Eric Booth, author, The Music Teaching Artist’s Bible Engaging the Concert Audience: […]
Music Camp as Radical Catalyst
So you’re back from music camp! At their best, music camps are radical catalysts for learning. Your mind brims with memories, teachings, discoveries, and good intentions for continuing your development. You’re determined to return the following year a much-improved musician. Sadly, our best intentions for self-improvement often go unrealized unless we apply discipline, strategy, planning, […]
2016: Take a Career and Creative Inventory
2016 was the worst year ever?!! Enough bellyaching. Set aside death, disappointment, and global chaos for a moment. Take a creative inventory of your life and career. Reflect on the good things that happened over your past 12 months. Document them, and celebrate! At the end of each year, I take a “career and creative […]
Personas for Rachel Barton Pine
I am thrilled to announce the world premiere of Personas, my five-movement solo sonata commissioned by violin virtuoso Rachel Barton Pine. Rachel premieres Personas at the Michigan Festival of Sacred Music on November 13th. In accordance with the festival’s sacred theme, Rachel has creatively programmed a recital inspired by Abrahamic traditions. The first half consists of Baroque works […]
Berklee String Chair: A New Life
It hardly seems possible, but it’s been a full semester since I moved to Boston and became Berklee College of Music‘s String Department Chair. Beyond the busyness and the whirlwind of changes, I feel a tremendous joy and excitement: As Berklee String Chair, I serve and lead the most creative string department in higher education. I […]